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Thursday 14 May 2009

Torn pages of Leon'Ard's secret diary #1


The 13th birthday

"Happy birthday, young one" - Cloaked Magician

Everything started with a dream, on 21th of October, my birthday. I've had a very realistic dream that night, and met with him, the cloaked magician.

Alone in a misty forest, a questioning voice from behind scared me like a hell:
"Looking for something, young one?"
I've turned around, and met with the owner of the voice, an ordinary young man with pony tail, probably at his early 20s. Everything about him was perfectly normal, except the cloak which is like it's made of a starry night, like all those stars have been buried inside the cloak, flowing endlessly.

"It seems that this cloak draws too much attention, isn't it?"
The unexpected question caught the target perfectly, and I was unable to answer while staring at him.

"I know that today is your birthday, young one"
Finally able to get rid of that stunning surprise feeling, I got my voice back:
"I feel like I know you, have we met before?"
Smiling, he answered "Yes and no."
"is it yes or no?" I insisted childisly.
"Both"he replied...
