Türkçe İçin

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The Diamond and The Imitation

"Tonight we should let ourselves to be cleansed.. let your boundaries to be perished by the beams of freedom. Deny the realities and live in a dream for a minute.

I will erase what I disclaim, and render them invisible, then forgotten. I will set them as a lie, I will.

You don't now what I mean, do you? I doubt it. You must know what I disclaim if you ever imagine to understand me. Getting visions which are burried in my complex definitions are no picnic.

I can engulf you in chaos with my crazy-talk, but be careful with my sentences because they can hide various mysteries of my life or whole life itself."

I have made this decision long ago, but some people decided to mimic me now. And now they are erasing what they disclaim, setting it as a lie.

There is nothing to say to what is already occured, but at least don't accuse me of imitating you like before, because it is you who imitates me...

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